Tuesday, May 2, 2017

MY HOLY GRAIL : Bench Paintbox Lash Lasting Mascara

Bench Paintbox Lash Lasting Mascara

See my YouTube video review 

picture from zalora 

 Like what I said in my YouTube video I got this mascara  around November 2016 accidentally, I wanted my makeup to be simple yet stunning  because I have a date with my boyfriend now my husband so I just wear a powder, lip tint, liquid eyeliner and mascara? And yes! I don’t have any mascara that time and while he’s just on the way I look for a drugstore inside Trinoma.

Saw Bench Bath and remember I need to buy my favorite shower cream, I went inside and do what I need to do. The sales lady which I forgot the name ask me if I want to try there cosmetics and I asked if they have mascara she said yes and gave me this baby! My local HOLY GRAIL as in! This baby saves me many time and this will be and forever will be my all-time favorite mascara.

Enough with the intro and let’s do the review …

a screenshot from my youtube video review


The packaging of this one is so simple just the tube with the applicator plain white with pink print of the name and the brand and that’s it! Don’t have any claims so I think it just a mascara that can be wear for a long time without smudging.


Don’t Judge the book by i'ts cover as they said and what I feel when I first applied this item. Back at Trinoma’s Comfort room I grab this baby and the magic starts! My lashes are thin and short but when I used this it gives me the volume I want it lengthen my lashes and even I layered it didn’t clamp.


This baby stays until you wanted its super long lasting that it want to stay there forever, I can’t remove it just by pinching my lashes ( I usually do this when some of the items becomes dry and fall into my eyes). 

Didn’t remove by wet wipes or oil cleanser so washed my face 2 times and applied a cream cleanser it remove on my lashes but when I woke up there is still black color under my eyes ( the unwashed items left on my lashes) .

I used this when we are in our honeymoon. Pool or Beach it stays in your lashes and did I tell you when you curl your lashes and applied this its stays upwards for almost a day without curling again your lashes? I didn’t? Now you know.


  • ·       Affordable
  • ·       Lengthens your lashes
  • ·       Waterproof
  • ·       Smudge proof
  • ·       Long lasting
  • ·       Volumizing


  • ·       Took me forever to remove on my lashes
  • ·       The printed name in the tube fades easily 


What more can I say?
The cons I have in this baby is just because I need to put a cons in this review. For P160 below (I forgot the specific price) you will get the same benefits you can only get in high end or expensive mascaras. So one out of ten I’ll give this a perfect ten! What more can I ask for? I used this many times in my videos and make up tutorials and I’m not kidding or making things up this mascara is my holy grail.

Check my youtube channel for more reviews and makeup tutorials Misangchan Youtube Channel
See you in my next blog. Byie =D

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